At the heart of ANSYS CFX is its advanced solver technology, the key to achieving reliable and accurate solutions quickly and robustly


At the heart of ANSYS CFX is its advanced solver technology, the key to achieving reliable and accurate solutions quickly and robustly

Cryogenic Submerged Electric Pumps

Cryogenic Pump

The liquefied natural gas business was in the early and mid-1960s, and the handling and transport of liquefied gas from exporting country to the importing country were required. The cryogenic submerged electric motor pump is a unique centrifugal pump design that specifically developed for handling cryogenic fluids such as liquefied natural gas (LNG), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), liquid ethylene, propylene, ethane, and various other cold liquids.

Traditional methods of pumping cryogenic fluids used an external motor with the shaft penetrating through a head plate, extending down into the liquid to hydraulic end. There were serious problems at the penetration of the shaft in trying to provide a dynamic seal that would not leak, mainly due to the differential temperature between the very cold cryogenic liquid and the outside atmosphere. Another problem was alignment of shaft between the motor and pump was very difficult due to the length and differential shrinkage between the materials. Due to inherent problems with traditional design concepts, the idea of completely submerging the motor and pump together in the pumped cryogenic fluid was born.

The pump is seated on a conical seated foot valve adapter at the bottom of the column. The weight of the pump opens the spring loaded foot valve. When the weight of the pump is removed, the foot valve closes. The additional advantages of this type of installation include less external piping and no penetrations below the tank liquid level. The main components of the cryogenic pumps are foot valve, Inducer, Impeller, Diffuser, Balance drum, cryogenic submerged motor, ball bearing and accelerometer.

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Combined Cycle Power Plant 
Air Cooled Condenser System

The first goal of CFD study for combined cycle power plant air cooled condenser system is to understand how the wind influences the air flow through each fan under the different conditions. CFD simulations are performed to investigate this. Simulations are made for different wind direction configuration and with different wind speeds. The simulation results demonstrate that the fans are exposed to the wind get less volume flow. This phenomenon increases with the velocity of the wind. By recirculation some portion of the warm air leaving the modules can be aspirated again by the fans, causing an increase of the fan inlet temperature. This phenomenon occurs at high wind speeds. 

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Squirrel Cage Fan
Squirrel cage fans are widely used in heating and ventilating systems and various type of researches have been done for its deign improvement. This project presents a new approach for improvement of the squirrel cage fan design with +10 degree half cone rotor which is based on restitution of the produced head reduction

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